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Hope and Grit: How Human-Centered Product Design Enhanced Student Mental Health
California Management Review ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-15 , DOI: 10.1177/00081256231225786
Dave Rochlin 1

Two organizations that focus on tech-based health innovation have partnered to improve the mental health of young adults. In this “tech for good” project, Hopelab and Grit Digital Health worked together to create an app using human-centered product design. With the core needs of users at the forefront, the team developed an app both with and for college students to combat loneliness, a prevalent issue that can lead to other problems such as depression, anxiety, and even dropping out of college. The team also applied systems thinking to address the root causes of this “wicked problem,” resulting in their Nod app, which has improved outcomes for college students. This article is based on the author’s award-winning case study.



两个专注于基于技术的健康创新的组织已合作改善年轻人的心理健康。在这个“科技造福”项目中,Hopelab 和 Grit Digital Health 合作创建了一款采用以人为本的产品设计的应用程序。该团队以用户的核心需求为中心,开发了一款应用程序,帮助大学生对抗孤独感,孤独感是一个普遍存在的问题,可能导致抑郁、焦虑,甚至辍学等其他问题。该团队还运用系统思维来解决这个“棘手问题”的根本原因,最终推出了 Nod 应用程序,改善了大学生的学习成绩。本文基于作者的获奖案例研究。