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Romance Notes Pub Date : 2024-02-22 , DOI: 10.1353/rmc.2023.a919719
N. Michelle Murray , Rosalía Cornejo-Parriego

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Introduction
  • N. Michelle Murray and Rosalía Cornejo-Parriego

Rosalía Vila Tobella (1992—present; henceforth, "Rosalía") exploded onto the international pop music scene in 2018 with her sophomore album El mal querer (henceforth, EMQ), a follow-up to her debut Los ángeles (2017). EMQ finds its origins in the thirteenth-century novel Flamenca (itself wholly unrelated to the homonymous musical genre). In fact, new editions of the anonymous medieval text would begin to bear the unfortunate label of "la novela que ha inspirado El mal querer de Rosalía" along with the description of "un clásico feminista del s. xiii" (Llanos Martínez). EMQ was Rosalía's thesis for completing the requirements for graduation with the degree of Título Superior de Flamenco from the Escuela Superior de Música de Cataluña. The artist explains the background of her conceptual album in the following way: "Cuenta la vida de una mujer que se casó con un hombre. Y por celos ese hombre la presiona. Hay una inspiración en el tema de la novela, pero el disco va hacia otro lado" (qtd. in Sánchez Hidalgo). As this quote suggests, EMQ is extremely innovative: we see the tremendous force of the album as a reconceptualization of the flamenco genre with urban and pop influences, a feminist stance on love in the twenty-first century, and the figure of Rosalía as an artist fashioning—in every sense of the word— a unique image and moment within the world music scene.

In a now viral video, popular Spanish YouTuber Jaime Altozano asserts, "Sin duda Rosalía es una de las cosas más interesantes que ha salido de la música española recientemente, pero hay muchas más propuestas muy intrigantes. No es un fenómeno aislado, forma parte de una generación (la millenial) con mucho talento" (qtd. in Sánchez Hidalgo).1 Indeed, the Spanish musical scene has presented numerous talented singers in recent years, many [End Page 247] of whom share a similar flamenco-inspired sound. For example, Madridbased singer-songwriter, C. Tangana (born Antón Álvarez Alfaro, 1990—present), an artist who also mixes trap, Latin pop, flamenco, and reggaetón, participated in the NPR TinyDesk concert series in 2021, obtaining 25 million views, making it the most watched clip of that year and one of the most celebrated offerings in the series' history (Net). While there are many alluring Spanish artists lighting up the global stage, Rosalía's impact is undeniable. Rosalía was the most watched woman on YouTube in 2019 (Di Iorio). And, as of November 2023, she has 28.1 million Instagram followers, and she has won 12 Latin Grammy Awards and 1 Grammy Award. While she sings exclusively in Spanish, she nevertheless dominates the American cultural scene, having the only Spanish language song on former President Barack Obama's 2019 summer playlist and being the first woman to perform entirely in Spanish on Saturday Night Live in that show's 47-season history. Curated social media posts showcasing her friendships with reality television stars like the Kardashians and Jenners and collaborations with North American pop stars like The Weeknd and Travis Scott have only increased her notoriety.

Rosalía has also transformed into a veritable object of cultural critique and academic interest. In 2021, riffing off the title of EMQ, Jorge Carrión edited a collection entitled La Rosalía. Ensayos sobre el buen querer with the participation of an exciting group of Spanish scholars who discuss diverse issues related to Rosalía and her oeuvre—feminism, quinqui cinema, her musical experimentation, and more. Rosalía herself closes out the volume with her own interpretations of herself. Building upon global popular and academic interest in the Catalan singer, The Rosalía Effect is a special issue of Romance Notes that analyzes Rosalía as a phenomenon to examine both conceptualizations of Spain in contemporary culture and the impact of music in forging said culture. Bringing together diverse academic voices to interrogate these topics, this collection takes Rosalía as a point of departure to explore matters of cosmopolitanism and cultural purity, fashion and appropriation...




  • 介绍
  • N.米歇尔·默里和罗莎莉亚·科尔内霍-帕里戈

罗莎莉亚·维拉·托贝拉(Rosalía Vila Tobella,1992 年至今;以下简称“Rosalía”)于 2018 年凭借她的首张专辑《Los ángeles》 (2017 年)的后续专辑《El mal querer》(以下简称EMQ)在国际流行乐坛崭露头角。EMQ起源于 13 世纪的小说《弗拉明戈》(其本身与同名音乐流派完全无关)。事实上,这部匿名中世纪文本的新版本将开始带有不幸的标签“la novela que ha inspirado El mal querer de Rosalía”以及“un clásico feminista del s. xiii ”(Llanos Martínez )的描述。EMQ是罗莎莉娅完成加泰罗尼亚高级音乐学院弗拉门戈高级学位毕业要求的论文。艺术家这样解释她的概念专辑的背景:“Cuenta la vida de una mujer que se casó con un hombre. Y por celos ese hombre la presiona. Hay una inspiración en el Tema de la novela, pero el disco va hacia otro lado”(桑切斯·伊达尔戈的 qtd)。正如这句话所暗示的,EMQ极具创新性:我们认为这张专辑的巨大力量是对受城市和流行影响的弗拉门戈流派的重新概念化,二十一世纪女权主义对爱情的立场,以及罗莎莉亚作为女性的形象。艺术家在世界音乐界塑造了各种意义上的独特形象和时刻。

在一段热门的西班牙 YouTuber Jaime Altozano 视频中,流行的西班牙 YouTuber Jaime Altozano 断言:“Sin duda Rosalía es una de las cosas más interesantes que ha salido de la música española recientemente, pero hay muchas más propuestas muy intrigantes. No es un fenómeno aislado, forma parte de una Generation (la Millenial) con mucho Talento”(桑切斯·伊达尔戈的 qtd)。1事实上,西班牙音乐界近年来涌现出众多才华横溢的歌手,其中许多人[结束第 247 页]都拥有类似的弗拉门戈风格的声音。例如,马德里创作型歌手 C. Tangana(出生于 Antón Álvarez Alfaro,1990 年至今),一位融合了 trap、拉丁流行、弗拉门戈和雷鬼音乐的艺术家,参加了 2021 年 NPR TinyDesk 系列音乐会,获得了 2500 万播放量观看次数,使其成为当年观看次数最多的剪辑,也是该系列历史上最著名的作品之一(网络)。虽然有许多迷人的西班牙艺术家照亮了全球舞台,但罗莎莉亚的影响力是不可否认的。Rosalía 是 2019 年 YouTube 上观看次数最多的女性 (Di Iorio)。截至 2023 年 11 月,她在 Instagram 上拥有 2810 万粉丝,并荣获 12 项拉丁格莱美奖和 1 项格莱美奖。虽然她只用西班牙语演唱,但她仍然主导着美国文化舞台,她是前总统巴拉克·奥巴马 2019 年夏季播放列表中唯一一首西班牙语歌曲,也是该节目 47 季历史上第一位在《周六夜现场》中完全用西班牙语表演的女性。精心策划的社交媒体帖子展示了她与卡戴珊姐妹和詹纳斯等电视真人秀明星的友谊,以及与威肯和特拉维斯·斯科特等北美流行歌星的合作,这些都增加了她的恶名。

罗莎莉娅也变成了名副其实的文化批判和学术兴趣的对象。2021 年,豪尔赫·卡里翁 (Jorge Carrión) 模仿《EMQ》的标题,编辑了一本题为《La Rosalía》的合集一群令人兴奋的西班牙学者参与了《Ensayos sobre el buen querer》 ,他们讨论了与罗莎莉亚及其作品相关的各种问题——女权主义、现代电影、她的音乐实验等等。罗莎莉亚本人以她自己的诠释结束了这本书。基于全球大众和学术界对这位加泰罗尼亚歌手的兴趣,《罗莎莉亚效应》是《浪漫笔记》的一期特刊,将罗莎莉亚作为一种现象进行分析,以考察当代文化中西班牙的概念化以及音乐对形成所述文化的影响。该系列汇集了不同的学术声音来质疑这些主题,以罗莎莉亚为出发点,探索世界主义和文化纯粹性、时尚和挪用等问题……
