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Journal of the History of Economic Thought ( IF 0.583 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-12 , DOI: 10.1017/s1053837223000627
Harald Hagemann

I first visited the United States in September 1980 when I spent two weeks at the New School for Social Research in New York. The main reason was the first personal meeting with Adolph Lowe (1893–1995), with whom I had been in close contact since spring 1977 when I got my PhD in economics from the University of Kiel. Lowe had built up a new department for research on business cycles and international statistical economics at the Kiel Institute of World Economics since April 1926, which soon acquired an international reputation (Hagemann 2021). The group included such outstanding economists as Gerhard Colm, Hans Neisser, Fritz (Frank) Burchardt, and for some years also Wassily Leontief and Jacob Marschak. None of them remained in Germany after the Nazis’ rise to power in 1933. Lowe had moved to the Goethe University in Frankfurt in October 1931, where he was dismissed after three semesters. Like many other émigré economists, he first went to Great Britain (Hagemann 2007), where he became an honorary lecturer in economics and political philosophy at the University of Manchester. In summer 1940 he moved further to New York where the Graduate Faculty of the New School had been founded as the “University in Exile” by Alvin Johnson, and Emil Lederer became the founding dean in 1933.1 Thus, in contrast to Colm, Lowe, as well as his lifelong friend Marschak (both were supervisors of Franco Modigliani’s New School PhD thesis) and Neisser were not members of the Mayflower generation.



我第一次访问美国是在 1980 年 9 月,当时我在纽约社会研究新学院待了两周。主要原因是与阿道夫·洛(Adolph Lowe,1893-1995)的第一次私人会面,自 1977 年春天我在基尔大学获得经济学博士学位以来,我一直与他保持着密切的联系。自 1926 年 4 月以来,洛在基尔世界经济研究所建立了一个新的经济周期和国际统计经济学研究部门,该部门很快获得了国际声誉(Hagemann 2021)。该团体包括格哈德·科尔姆(Gerhard Colm)、汉斯·奈瑟(Hans Neisser)、弗里茨(弗兰克)·伯查特(Fritz (Frank) Burchardt)等杰出经济学家,多年来还包括瓦西里·列昂叠夫(Wassily Leontief)和雅各布·马沙克(Jacob Marschak)。 1933 年纳粹掌权后,他们都没有留在德国。1931 年 10 月,洛转学到法兰克福歌德大学,三个学期后被解雇。和许多其他流亡经济学家一样,他首先去了英国(Hagemann 2007),在那里他成为曼彻斯特大学经济学和政治哲学的名誉讲师。 1940 年夏天,他进一步移居纽约,在那里,阿尔文·约翰逊 (Alvin Johnson) 创建了新学院的研究生院,称为“流亡大学”,埃米尔·莱德勒 (Emil Lederer) 于 1933 年成为创始院长。1因此,与科尔姆相反,洛以及他的终生好友马沙克(两人都是弗朗哥·莫迪利亚尼新学院博士论文的导师)和奈瑟都不是五月花一代的成员。