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Investigating if high-quality kindergarten teachers sustain the pre-K boost to children's emergent literacy skill development in North Carolina
Child Development ( IF 5.661 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-07 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14076
Robert C. Carr 1 , Jade M. Jenkins 2 , Tyler W. Watts 3 , Ellen S. Peisner‐Feinberg 1 , Kenneth A. Dodge 4

This study tested the hypothesis that high-quality kindergarten teachers sustain and amplify the skill development of children who participated in North Carolina's NC Pre-K program during the previous year, compared to matched non-participants (N = 17,330; 42% African American, 40% Non-Hispanic White, 15% Hispanic; 51% male; Mage = 4.5 years at fall of pre-K). Kindergarten teacher quality was measured using a “value-added” approach. NC Pre-K participants outperformed non-participants in the fall of kindergarten (β = .22) and 11% of this boost remained evident by the spring of kindergarten. Higher value-added teachers promoted the skill development of all children (β = .30 in the spring) but did not differentially benefit the skill development of former NC Pre-K participants compared to non-participants.



这项研究检验了这样的假设:与匹配的非参与者相比,高质量的幼儿园教师能够维持并增强前一年参加北卡罗来纳州北卡罗莱纳州学前班计划的儿童的技能发展(N  = 17,330;42% 非裔美国人, 40% 非西班牙裔白人,15% 西班牙裔;51% 男性;M年龄 = 4.5 岁(学前班秋季)。幼儿园教师素质采用“增值”方法进行衡量。 NC Pre-K 参与者在幼儿园秋季的表现优于非参与者 ( β  = .22),并且到幼儿园春季时,这种提升仍然明显,达到 11%。附加值较高的教师促进了所有儿童的技能发展( 春季β = 0.30),但与非参与者相比,并没有对前 NC Pre-K 参与者的技能发展产生差异性益处。