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Nurses’ perspectives on child-friendly care needs in emergency departments: A qualitative study
International Emergency Nursing ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ienj.2023.101402
Jao-Shwann Liang , Hui-Yu Lin , Yen-Ju Chen , Fei-Chen Lai , Hsin-Ming Liu , Chiu-Yueh Yang , Yueh-Tao Chiang , Chi-Wen Chen

Children can become anxious when undergoing emergency medical treatment. Therefore, emergency departments should be child friendly. This study explored emergency nurses’ perspectives on children’s needs during emergency care. This qualitative study employed purposive sampling to recruit 17 emergency nurses from 3 medical centers in northern and central Taiwan. Individual interviews were conducted between January and August 2021. Data were analyzed through qualitative content analysis. The participants had 2–23 years of experience in caring for children in emergency departments. We identified 208 unique meaning units in the interview data, 79 of which were related to child-friendly emergency care. These were classified into 42 codes across 6 categories and 27 subcategories. The six categories were timely comfort, emotional care, frontline safety, emergency response, human resources support, and treatment efficiency. Emergency nurses have professional competencies, play a crucial role as care providers for children in the emergency department, and ensure the comfort and safety of children seeking treatment. The categories related to child-friendly emergency care identified in this study can serve as a basis for developing child-friendly care emergency guidelines.