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Heat dissipation analysis and correction of the sample in accelerating rate calorimetric experiment
Thermochimica Acta ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2024.179695
Desheng Chen , Ke Liu , Zixin Ye , Gao Zhang , Jinxin Xu , Dongfang Hu , Jiong Ding

The accelerating rate calorimeter is a commonly used tool for evaluating thermal hazards. Due to the thermal inertia, the heat dissipation between the reaction system and the furnace, the pure adiabatic condition cannot be achieved. This leads to inaccurate thermodynamic and kinetic results. To systematically study and correct this heat dissipation, numerical simulations and experiments were carried out to investigate the main heat dissipation path and the factors. The results show that convection is the main heat dissipation pathway. The dynamic characteristics of the thermocouple and sidewall have different effects on reactions with different self-heating rates. In addition, a heat dissipation correction method based on the heat transfer model is proposed and validated by simulations and experiments. The simulation and experimental results both show the effectiveness of this correction method. These mean it has a certain significance for the improvement of the accelerating rate calorimeter experimental data processes.


