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CIS: Connect It Strong! [Editor's Remarks]
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine ( IF 9 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-08 , DOI: 10.1109/mci.2023.3332464
Chuan-Kang Ting

The beginning of a year is a good timing to conclude on what memorable moments have happened in the preceding year. Last summer, I was invited to give talks at the 2023 IEEE CIS Summer School and Summit Forum held at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in Shenzhen, China. Several IEEE CIS officers, Editors-in-Chief, and I gathered to introduce CI techniques and their advancements to beginners in the field—mainly undergraduate and master students. Approximately 400 participants engaged in discussions immensely, and the vibe was very vigorous. I was delighted to share my research results on CI for composing music. Attending this summer school was absolutely a pleasant and fulfilling experience in 2023. I do love to see that CI technologies have been getting more attention among students and young scholars, from the level of this event's participation, and look forward to taking part in various activities held by CIS. Speaking of our Society, Professor Yaochu Jin assumes the CIS President for 2024-2025. We first met at a conference dated back in 2004, and participated or worked together in many CIS activities for two decades since. CIS is such a platform that brings people with similar research interests together to exchange academic ideas and create opportunities for collaboration. It is definitely worthwhile to join CIS and devote time to, because the sense of achievement and rewarding to work with people having similar passion is humongous. Perhaps someone you meet at a CIS conference today could become the CIS President in 20 years, you never know! LOL!