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The effect of fuel price fluctuations on utilitarian cycling rates: A survey of cyclists in Vietnam
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.899 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2024.103793
Minh Hieu Nguyen , Dorina Pojani

In the first half of 2022, the global energy crisis led to a series of fuel price hikes in Vietnam. Consequently, the volume of cycling commuters grew as people switched from motorcycles to bicycles. Starting in early July, as fuel prices began to drop again, the cycling wave began to abate. This context presents a unique opportunity to qualitatively examine people's motivations for taking up and then abandoning the bicycle as a travel mode (as opposed to a recreational device). Through 16 in-depth interviews in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, we investigate the role of fuel prices in addition to other factors that are known to deter or encourage utilitarian and/or recreational cycling in other settings. The study reveals that, given low average wages, commuters are highly sensitive to increases or decreases in fuel prices, however small (i.e., ¢50/l), and adjust their modal choices accordingly. However, “stick” measures, such as fuel price increases, can only serve as a trigger. They need to be accompanied by “carrot” measures in the form of infrastructure upgrades and policy/legal changes if a city is to retain new cycling commuters in the long term.



2022年上半年,全球能源危机导致越南燃油价格连续上涨。因此,随着人们从摩托车转向自行车,骑自行车上下班的人数也随之增加。从7月初开始,随着燃油价格再次开始下降,骑行热潮开始减弱。这种背景提供了一个独特的机会来定性研究人们使用和放弃自行车作为出行方式(而不是娱乐设备)的动机。通过在河内和胡志明市进行 16 次深度访谈,我们调查了燃油价格的作用以及已知的阻止或鼓励其他环境下的实用性和/或休闲性自行车运动的因素。研究表明,由于平均工资较低,通勤者对燃油价格的上涨或下跌高度敏感,无论燃油价格的上涨或下跌多么小(即50美分/升),并相应地调整他们的交通方式选择。然而,燃油价格上涨等“大棒”措施只能起到触发作用。如果一个城市想要长期留住新的骑车通勤者,就需要辅之以基础设施升级和政策/法律变革等“胡萝卜”措施。