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Target-based drug design strategies to overcome resistance to antiviral agents: opportunities and challenges
Drug Resistance Updates ( IF 24.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.drup.2024.101053
Shaoqing Du , Xueping Hu , Luis Menéndez-Arias , Peng Zhan , Xinyong Liu

Viral infections have a major impact in human health. Ongoing viral transmission and escalating selective pressure have the potential to favor the emergence of vaccine- and antiviral drug-resistant viruses. Target-based approaches for the design of antiviral drugs can play a pivotal role in combating drug-resistant challenges. Drug design computational tools facilitate the discovery of novel drugs. This review provides a comprehensive overview of current drug design strategies employed in the field of antiviral drug resistance, illustrated through the description of a series of successful applications. These strategies include technologies that enhance compound-target affinity while minimizing interactions with mutated binding pockets. Furthermore, emerging approaches such as virtual screening, targeted protein/RNA degradation, and resistance analysis during drug design have been harnessed to curtail the emergence of drug resistance. Additionally, host targeting antiviral drugs offer a promising avenue for circumventing viral mutation. The widespread adoption of these refined drug design strategies will effectively address the prevailing challenge posed by antiviral drug resistance.


