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Life online during the pandemic : How university students feel about abrupt mediatization
Communications ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-25 , DOI: 10.1515/commun-2023-0024
Szymon Zylinski 1 , Charles H. Davis 2 , Florin Vladica 3

The COVID-19 pandemic caused university education to transition from face-to-face contacts to virtual learning environments. Young adults were forced to live an entirely new life online, without valuable and enjoyable social interaction. We examined subjective perspectives towards life online during the pandemic. We identified four viewpoints about life mediated by computers. Two viewpoints express “struggling”: Viewpoint 1 (Angry, Depressed and Overwhelmed), and Viewpoint 3 (Restricted to and Overwhelmed by Virtuality). A third feeling-state conveys experiences of “surviving”: Viewpoint 4 (Isolated and Powerless in Convenience). Surprisingly, Viewpoint 2 is about “thriving” (Comfortable and Convenient Routine with Computers). The research shows that virtualization, confinement, and anxiety are taking a toll on the mental health of some members of the younger generation, while at the same time other members feel they are thriving in a situation of limited resources, virtuality, and reduced face-to-face human interaction.



COVID-19 大流行导致大学教育从面对面接触转变为虚拟学习环境。年轻人被迫在网上过着全新的生活,没有有价值和愉快的社交互动。我们研究了大流行期间对在线生活的主观看法。我们确定了关于计算机介导的生活的四种观点。表达“挣扎”的观点有两种:观点1(愤怒、沮丧、不知所措)和观点3(受到虚拟性的限制和不知所措)。第三种感受状态传达的是“生存”的体验:观点4(便利中的孤立和无能为力)。令人惊讶的是,观点2是关于“繁荣”(与电脑一起舒适方便的日常活动)。研究表明,虚拟化、限制和焦虑正在对一些年轻一代成员的心理健康造成损害,而与此同时,其他成员则感觉自己在资源有限、虚拟和面子减少的情况下茁壮成长。面对面的人际互动。