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Effect of Remote and Virtual Technology on Home Dialysis
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology ( IF 9.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-22 , DOI: 10.2215/cjn.0000000000000405
Susie Q. Lew 1 , Sabrina Milan Manani 2 , Claudio Ronco 2 , Mitchell H. Rosner 3 , James A. Sloand 1

expected accelerant for telehealth use in the United States. Within nephrology, remote patient monitoring has most often been applied to the care of patients on home dialysis modalities. The effect that remote and virtual technologies have on home dialysis patients, telehealth and health care disparities, and health care providers' workflow changes are discussed here. Moreover, the future use of remote and virtual technologies to include artificial intelligence and artificial neural network model to optimize and personalize treatments will be highlighted. Despite these advances in technology challenges continue to exist, leaving room for future innovation to improve patient health outcome and equity. Prospective studies are needed to further understand the effect of using virtual technologies and remote monitoring on home dialysis outcomes, cost, and patient engagement....


