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Real-time single-molecule imaging of transcriptional regulatory networks in living cells
Nature Reviews Genetics ( IF 42.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-09 , DOI: 10.1038/s41576-023-00684-9
Dong-Woo Hwang , Anna Maekiniemi , Robert H. Singer , Hanae Sato

Gene regulatory networks drive the specific transcriptional programmes responsible for the diversification of cell types during the development of multicellular organisms. Although our knowledge of the genes involved in these dynamic networks has expanded rapidly, our understanding of how transcription is spatiotemporally regulated at the molecular level over a wide range of timescales in the small volume of the nucleus remains limited. Over the past few decades, advances in the field of single-molecule fluorescence imaging have enabled real-time behaviours of individual transcriptional components to be measured in living cells and organisms. These efforts are now shedding light on the dynamic mechanisms of transcription, revealing not only the temporal rules but also the spatial coordination of underlying molecular interactions during various biological events.



