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Prevalent occupational exposures and risk of lung cancer among women: Results from the application of the Canadian Job-Exposure Matrix (CANJEM) to a combined set of ten case–control studies
American Journal of Industrial Medicine ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-08 , DOI: 10.1002/ajim.23562
Mengting Xu 1 , Vikki Ho 1 , Jérôme Lavoué 1 , Ann Olsson 2 , Joachim Schüz 2 , Lesley Richardson 1 , Marie‐Elise Parent 3 , John R. McLaughlin 4 , Paul A. Demers 5 , Pascal Guénel 6 , Loredana Radoi 6 , Heinz‐Erich Wichmann 7 , Wolfgang Ahrens 8 , Karl‐Heinz Jöckel 9 , Dario Consonni 10 , Maria T. Landi 11 , Lorenzo Richiardi 12 , Lorenzo Simonato 13 , Andrea 't' Mannetje 14 , Beata Świątkowska 15 , John K. Field 16 , Neil Pearce 17 , Jack Siemiatycki 1

Worldwide, lung cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women. The present study explored associations between occupational exposures that are prevalent among women, and lung cancer.


女性中普遍的职业暴露和肺癌风险:加拿大工作暴露矩阵 (CANJEM) 在十项病例对照研究中的应用结果
