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Specialized and versatile antisocial behavioral profiles in preschoolers: Associations with persistent behavioral problems
Child Development ( IF 5.661 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-28 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14060
Marie‐Pier Paré‐Ruel 1 , Dale M. Stack 1 , Paul D. Hastings 2 , Lisa A. Serbin 1

This study investigated specialized and versatile antisocial patterns in preschoolers and examined the link between these patterns and the risk of developing chronic antisocial behaviors throughout childhood. A total of 556 children (50.6% boys, 88% White) participated in this three-wave longitudinal study at 3–5, 6–8, and 10–12 years old. A latent transition analysis revealed that most preschoolers (89.5%) who adopt several subtypes of antisocial behaviors simultaneously exhibit stable and severe antisocial behaviors throughout childhood. In contrast, most preschoolers (60%) who favor one specific subtype of antisocial behaviors desist from such behaviors between preschool and preadolescence. Importantly, aggression accompanied by other subtypes of antisocial behaviors predicted chronicity better than aggression alone, casting doubt on the notion that aggression is the strongest predictor of chronicity.



这项研究调查了学龄前儿童的专门和多功能的反社会模式,并研究了这些模式与整个童年时期形成慢性反社会行为的风险之间的联系。共有 556 名儿童(50.6% 男孩,88% 白人)参与了这项三波纵向研究,年龄分别为 3-5 岁、6-8 岁和 10-12 岁。潜在转变分析显示,大多数采取几种反社会行为亚型的学龄前儿童(89.5%)在整个童年时期同时表现出稳定和严重的反社会行为。相比之下,大多数喜欢一种特定反社会行为亚型的学龄前儿童 (60%) 在学龄前和青春期前停止这种行为。重要的是,与其他反社会行为亚型相伴的攻击行为比单独的攻击行为更能预测慢性行为,这使人们对攻击行为是慢性行为最强预测因素的观点产生了怀疑。