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Menopause: Physiology, definitions, and symptoms
Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.beem.2023.101855
Charlotte Gatenby , Paul Simpson

The menopause transition is usually a gradual process occurring over many years, caused by the cessation of ovarian reproductive function, resulting in the end of menstrual bleeding. In the peri-menopause, ovarian function and therefore the production of the hormones oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone can fluctuate greatly, leading to a wide variety of symptoms, affecting multiple organ systems. Menopause and the management of its associated symptoms can be very challenging for patients and clinicians alike and can negatively impact quality of life. The management options include lifestyle adjustment, talking therapies, dietary supplements as well as prescribed medications, including hormone replacement therapy. The UK’s average life expectancy for women is approximately 81 years. Therefore, women will now live up to a third of their life being either peri- or postmenopausal. Thus, understanding and treating, where possible, the symptoms of menopause is essential to reduce the burden associated with this physiological state.



更年期过渡通常是一个持续多年的渐进过程,由卵巢生殖功能停止引起,导致月经出血结束。在围绝经期,卵巢功能以及雌激素、孕激素和睾酮激素的产生可能会出现很大波动,导致多种症状,影响多个器官系统。更年期及其相关症状的管理对于患者和临床医生来说都是非常具有挑战性的,并且会对生活质量产生负面影响。治疗方案包括生活方式调整、谈话疗法、膳食补充剂以及处方药物,包括激素替代疗法。英国女性的平均预期寿命约为 81 岁。因此,女性现在将有三分之一的生命处于绝经期或绝经后。因此,在可能的情况下,了解和治疗更年期症状对于减轻与这种生理状态相关的负担至关重要。