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Prospective Multicenter Evaluation of Pain Before and After Removal of Nonobstructing Renal Calculi: A CoRE Initiative.
The Journal of Urology ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-15 , DOI: 10.1097/ju.0000000000003799
Naeem Bhojani 1 , Daniel Wollin 2 , Marawan M. El Tayeb 3 , Kymora B. Scotland 4 , John Knoedler 5 , Karen L. Stern 6 , David-Dan Nguyen 7 , Marcelino Rivera 8 , Michael S. Borofsky 9 , Noah Canvasser 10 , Seth K. Bechis 11 , Ryan S. Hsi 12

Flank pain associated with stone disease is typically caused by a stone that obstructs urine flow. However, it is plausible that nonobstructing kidney stones may still cause pain. We performed a multicenter, observational trial to evaluate whether treatment of small nonobstructing calyceal stones improves pain and kidney stone-specific health-related quality of life.


非梗阻性肾结石去除前后疼痛的前瞻性多中心评估:CoRE 计划。
