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Understanding the association between normal and maladaptive personality traits: Replication and extension of Morey et al. (2020)
Journal of Personality ( IF 5.429 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-28 , DOI: 10.1111/jopy.12904
Leah T Emery 1 , Chloe M Evans 1 , Julia Dimitrova 1 , Courtney O'Keefe 1 , Leonard J Simms 1

The Alternative Model for Personality Disorders (AMPD) within the DSM-5 includes separable components representing general personality dysfunction (Criterion A) and maladaptive personality traits (Criterion B). Some critique Criterion A for accounting for little incremental variance in PD beyond Criterion B. However, Morey et al. (2020) hypothesized that personality dysfunction is a key mechanism through which normal-range traits account for the maladaptive component of personality traits, justifying its inclusion. We sought to replicate and extend this work in a psychiatric sample with mixed methods.



DSM-5中的人格障碍替代模型 (AMPD)包括代表一般人格功能障碍(标准 A)和适应不良人格特质(标准 B)的可分离组件。一些人批评标准 A 只考虑了标准 B 之外的 PD 增量方差。然而,Morey 等人。(2020)假设人格功能障碍是正常范围特征解释人格特征的适应不良成分的关键机制,证明其包含在内是合理的。我们试图用混合方法在精神病学样本中复制和扩展这项工作。