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Introducing a Research Programme for Quantum Humanities: Theoretical Implications
European Journal of Risk Regulation Pub Date : 2023-11-30 , DOI: 10.1017/err.2023.71
Astrid Bötticher , Jose Hernandez , Matthias C. Kettemann , Volker Gast , Rodrigo Araiza Bravo

Quantum computing is a form of computing based on the principles of quantum mechanics. Quantum computing promises to revolutionise society through technological solutions to previously unsolvable problems or by enhancing the capacities of current computational technologies. Additionally, quantum computing has the potential to revolutionise the humanities and social sciences. We denote the study of these changes as “quantum humanities”, whose study focuses on the potential of quantum computing. This paper proposes a research programme for quantum humanities, which includes the application of quantum algorithms to humanities research, reflection on the methods and techniques of quantum computing and evaluation of its potential societal implications. Moreover, we argue that, foundationally, quantum mechanics has serious implications for the ways in which data and information are used to produce seemingly objective technologies. Thus, quantum computing is a nexus for the study of knowledge itself. This research programme aims to define the field of quantum humanities and to establish it as a meaningful part of the humanities and social sciences.


