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Invasive Plants of Russia: Results of Inventory, Peculiarities of Distribution, and Management Issues
Biology Bulletin Reviews Pub Date : 2023-11-28 , DOI: 10.1134/s2079086423060130
S. A. Senator , Yu. K. Vinogradova


Globalization, the expansion of trade relations, inter- and intracontinental movements of population, the development of transport networks between the countries led to an active settlement of many plant species outside their natural areas. Among such plants, a group of invasive species (those whose distribution has serious environmental, economic, and social consequences) is distinguished. The article contains information about the results of the inventory of invasive species of vascular plants growing in the Russian Federation, as well as an overview of the actions taken in the country to manage the invasive plant species. At present, there are 584 invasive species of vascular plants in Russia; out of them, Acer negundo, Echinocystis lobata, and Erigeron canadensis are the most common. It has to be stated, that until now, both legislative acts regulating the policy in the field of invasive species (legal regulation of phytoquarantine is an exception) and a national strategy for alien species in Russia are absent. The efficient management of biological invasions can work in the case where the general public is aware of the adverse consequences of the invasion of invasive species.




全球化、贸易关系的扩大、人口的洲际和洲内流动、国家之间运输网络的发展导致许多植物物种在其自然区域之外积极定居。在这些植物中,有一组入侵物种(其分布会造成严重的环境、经济和社会后果)。本文包含有关俄罗斯联邦生长的维管束植物入侵物种清查结果的信息,以及该国为管理入侵植物物种而采取的行动的概述。目前,俄罗斯有584种入侵维管植物;其中,最常见的是Acer negundoEchinocystis lobataErigeron canadensis 。必须指出的是,到目前为止,俄罗斯还没有规范入侵物种领域政策的立法法案(植物检疫的法律规范是一个例外)和外来物种国家战略。当公众意识到入侵物种入侵的不利后果时,对生物入侵的有效管理才能发挥作用。
