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Delimitation methodology for the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles: Three-stage approach as a way forward?
Leiden Journal of International Law ( IF 1.588 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-28 , DOI: 10.1017/s0922156523000596
Xuexia Liao

Delimitation of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles (nm) is a relatively novel exercise by international courts and tribunals, and a question that assumes theoretical and practical importance is whether the delimitation methodology primarily developed in maritime delimitation within 200 nm can be applied to the delimitation beyond that distance. In contrast to some prevailing arguments that the delimitation methodology for the continental shelf beyond 200 nm should somewhat differ, this article examines whether the delimitation beyond 200 nm can be integrated under the three-stage approach articulated by the ICJ in the 2009 Black Sea case and discusses what methodological problems have been raised in the delimitation process. By analysing the applicability and application of the three-stage approach to the continental shelf delimitation beyond 200 nm in the jurisprudence, this article argues that substantive integration of the delimitation methodology for the continental shelf beyond 200 nm has taken place and is likely to continue. The integrated approach to the delimitation methodology adopted in the Bangladesh v. India case and the Ghana/Côte d’Ivoire case may prove to be guiding precedents that indicate a way forward in the jurisprudence.



200海里以外大陆架划界是国际法院和法庭的一项相对新颖的做法,具有理论和实践意义的一个问题是,最初在200海里海洋划界中发展起来的划界方法是否可以适用于200海里以内的海洋划界。超出该距离的划界。与一些普遍认为 200 海里以外大陆架划界方法应有所不同的观点相反,本文探讨了 200 海里以外大陆架划界是否可以纳入国际法院在 2009 年阐明的三阶段方法之下。黑海案例并讨论了划界过程中提出的方法问题。本文通过分析200海里以外大陆架划界三阶段法在法理上的适用性和运用,认为200海里以外大陆架划界方法的实质性整合已经发生并且很可能继续下去。划界方法中采用的综合方法孟加拉国v.印度案例和加纳/科特迪瓦案件可能被证明具有指导性先例,指明了判例的前进方向。