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A note on the mixed properties of the nominal structure in Polish
Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics ( IF 0.400 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-27 , DOI: 10.1515/psicl-2022-1072
Piotr Cegłowski 1

The aim of this paper is to highlight certain similarities between Polish and Bulgarian with respect to the selected NP/DP criteria compiled by Bošković (2012. On NPs and clauses. In Günther Grewendorf & Thomas Ede Zimmermann (eds.), Discourse and grammar: From sentence types to lexical categories, 179–242. Berlin: De Gruyter). In the course of the discussion, Negative Raising with idioms and quantifier – negation interaction, definite/indefinite contrasts in the context of sub-extraction, as well as exhaustive presupposition are taken into consideration. On the basis of the data, I put forward an analysis of the Polish facts which draws upon Tasseva-Kurktchieva and Dubinsky’s (2018. On the NP/DP frontier: Bulgarian as a transitional case. In Steven Franks, Virinda Chidambaram, Brian Joseph & Ilyana Krapova (eds.), Studies in Bulgarian Morphosyntax in Honor of Catherine Rudin, 287–312. Bloomington, IN: Slavica) account of the DEF(initeness) feature on the D head (which they use to argue for Bulgarian as a ‘weak’ DP language). Despite certain similarities between the two languages, Polish actually seems to resemble English in terms of the specific coding of this feature. The analysis suggests that (unlike in Bulgarian) DEF on D in Polish is not intrinsically valued (+int, +val), but rather receives a specific value in the course of the syntactic derivation.



本文的目的是强调波兰语和保加利亚语在 Bošković 编制的所选 NP/DP 标准方面的某些相似之处(2012 年。关于 NP 和子句。在 Günther Grewendorf 和 Thomas Ede Zimmermann(编辑)中,话语与语法:从句子类型到词汇类别,179–242。柏林:德格鲁伊特)。在讨论过程中,考虑了习语和量词否定的否定互动、子提取上下文中的定/不定对比以及详尽的预设。在数据的基础上,我借鉴了 Tasseva-Kurktchieva 和 Dubinsky 的研究(2018 年。关于 NP/DP 边界:保加利亚语作为过渡案例。见 Steven Franks、Virinda Chidambaram、Brian Joseph 和伊利亚娜·克拉波娃(编辑),为纪念凯瑟琳·鲁丁而进行的保加利亚语形态句法研究,287–312。布卢明顿,印第安纳州:斯拉维卡)对 D 头的 DEF(无限性)特征的描述(他们用它来论证保加利亚语是“弱”DP 语言)。尽管这两种语言之间存在某些相似之处,但就该功能的具体编码而言,波兰语实际上似乎与英语相似。分析表明(与保加利亚语不同)波兰语中 D 上的 DEF 本身并未被赋值(+int,+val),而是在句法推导过程中获得特定值。