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‘How I wonder what you are?’: what infant observation offers family therapy
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy ( IF 1.380 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-23 , DOI: 10.1002/anzf.1565
Wendy Bunston 1 , Sarah J. Jones 2

Training in infant observation, highly valuable in the infant mental health (IMH) field, has an enormous amount to offer family therapists. These two fields of practice, both hold working with the relational world of their clients as central. As two senior family therapists who are also IMH practitioners, we invite those reading this paper to explore the possibilities inherent in undertaking infant observation training as a pathway to enriching and expanding their practice. We provide an overview of infant observation training, how this approach was conceived, and explore the benefits of honouring the subjectivity of the infant, that of bringing the infant's experience alive in the therapeutic space. We provide direct examples from our own practice. We conclude with how infant observation might be incorporated into family therapy training and practice.



婴儿观察培训在婴儿心理健康 (IMH) 领域非常有价值,可以为家庭治疗师提供大量帮助。这两个实践领域都以与客户的关系世界合作为中心。作为两位高级家庭治疗师,同时也是 IMH 从业者,我们邀请阅读本文的人探索进行婴儿观察训练的内在可能性,以此作为丰富和扩展其实践的途径。我们概述了婴儿观察训练、这种方法是如何构思的,并探讨了尊重婴儿主观性的好处,以及将婴儿的体验带入治疗空间的好处。我们提供来自我们自己实践的直接例子。我们最后总结了如何将婴儿观察纳入家庭治疗培训和实践。