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A commentary on infant mental health knowledge within the training of family therapists
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy ( IF 1.380 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-23 , DOI: 10.1002/anzf.1561
Robyn Elliott 1 , Colleen Cousins 1 , Jessica Opie 1 , Jennifer McIntosh 1

This paper considers the role of academic training programs in the integration of family therapy and infant mental health (IMH) curricula. It takes the form of a conversation between senior academic staff of the Bouverie Centre in Australia and the special issue editors. Robyn Elliott and Colleen Cousins are family therapists, trauma specialists, and academics at the Bouverie Centre, La Trobe University. Robyn supervises the development and delivery of the Master of Clinical Family Therapy, accredited by the Australian Association of Family Therapy. Colleen is a psychologist and family therapist and coordinates the Graduate Certificate of Family Therapy program. They are in dialogue here with the special issue co-editors, Jessica Opie and Jennifer McIntosh. We consider the degree to which current family therapy training holds the infant in mind, and approaches to deepening the future training nexus between IMH and family therapy.



本文探讨了学术培训计划在家庭治疗和婴儿心理健康(IMH)课程整合中的作用。它采取澳大利亚布维里中心高级学术人员与特刊编辑之间对话的形式。罗宾·埃利奥特 (Robyn Elliott) 和科琳·卡曾斯 (Colleen Cousins) 是拉筹伯大学 Bouverie 中心的家庭治疗师、创伤专家和学者。罗宾负责监督临床家庭治疗硕士课程的开发和实施,并获得澳大利亚家庭治疗协会的认可。科琳是一名心理学家和家庭治疗师,负责协调家庭治疗研究生证书课程。他们在这里与特刊联合编辑杰西卡·奥佩和詹妮弗·麦金托什进行对话。我们考虑当前家庭治疗培训对婴儿的关注程度,以及深化 IMH 和家庭治疗之间未来培训联系的方法。