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Feelings of responsibility and temporal binding: A comparison of two measures of the sense of agency
Consciousness and Cognition ( IF 2.728 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2023.103606
John A Dewey 1

Temporal binding refers to a subjective shortening of the interval between an action and its perceptual consequences. Temporal binding has often been used by researchers to indirectly measure participants’ sense of agency (SoA), or the subjective sense of causing something to happen. Other studies have proposed links between temporal binding and feelings of moral responsibility. The present study compared subjective interval estimates to feelings of responsibility in a between-subjects design (Exp 1) and a within-subjects design (Exp 2). Participants either estimated the interval between two events (two tones in the passive condition, or a keypress followed by a tone in active conditions) or rated their feeling of responsibility for the tone(s). Manipulations of participant involvement and choice impacted feelings of responsibility more than temporal estimates. Overall, the two dependent variables followed different patterns, suggesting subjective interval estimates may not be a reliable proxy for feelings of responsibility.



时间约束是指主观上缩短一个动作与其感知结果之间的间隔。研究人员经常使用时间绑定来间接测量参与者的代理感(SoA),或者导致某事发生的主观感觉。其他研究提出了时间束缚和道德责任感之间的联系。本研究将主观区间估计与受试者间设计(实验 1)和受试者内设计(实验 2)中的责任感进行了比较。参与者要么估计两个事件之间的间隔(被动条件下的两个音调,或主动条件下按键后的音调),要么评估他们对音调的责任感。对参与者参与和选择的操纵比时间估计更能影响责任感。总体而言,两个因变量遵循不同的模式,这表明主观区间估计可能不是责任感的可靠代表。
