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Self-prioritization effect in the attentional blink paradigm: Attention-based or familiarity-based effect?
Consciousness and Cognition ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2023.103607
Víctor Martínez-Pérez 1 , Alejandro Sandoval-Lentisco 1 , Miriam Tortajada 1 , Lucía B Palmero 1 , Guillermo Campoy 1 , Luis J Fuentes 1

The self-prioritization effect (SPE) refers to the advantage in processing stimuli associated with oneself. Here, we addressed the SPE in an attentional blink (AB) task. In Experiment 1, shapes associated to you, friend, or stranger served as T1, and letter X as T2. The AB effect was larger for you than the other label conditions, and larger for friend condition than for stranger condition. We suggest that self-associated shape increased its perceptual salience, producing greater attentional capture. In Experiment 2 participants trained with a shape-label matching task to increase familiarity with the shape-label associations before performing the AB task. The difference between friend and stranger conditions disappeared, suggesting that the difference between the two conditions observed in Experiment 1 was mainly due to differences in familiarity or frequency of use. Importantly, the advantage of you over friend and stranger conditions remained, suggesting that the SPE is a genuine effect.



自我优先效应(SPE)是指在处理与自身相关的刺激时的优势。在这里,我们在注意眨眼 (AB) 任务中解决了 SPE。在实验 1 中,与您、朋友或陌生人相关的形状充当 T1,字母 X 充当 T2。 AB 效应对你来说比其他标签条件更大,对朋友条件比对陌生人条件更大。我们认为,自我关联的形状增加了其感知显着性,产生了更大的注意力捕获。在实验 2 中,参与者接受了形状标签匹配任务的训练,以在执行 AB 任务之前提高对形状标签关联的熟悉程度。朋友和陌生人条件之间的差异消失了,这表明实验1中观察到的两种条件之间的差异主要是由于熟悉程度或使用频率的差异。重要的是,你相对于朋友和陌生人条件的优势仍然存在,这表明 SPE 是一种真正的效应。
