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Characterisation of conjugate forced convection in a wavy solar power plant: The role of porous metallic blocks
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cep.2023.109615
Sumit Kumar Mehta , Dhananjay Kumar , Pranab Kumar Mondal , Somchai Wongwises

The current study employs porous metallic blocks to quantitatively explore the characteristics of conjugate heat transport within the wavy solar power plant. Modelling of the flow field within the porous block is done using the Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer framework. By employing the boundary conditions, which are consistent with the practical applications, the governing equations are numerically solved for the transport variables. The current work highlights variations in the average Nusselt number, performance factor, temperature field, and conductive heat flux for a window of Reynolds and Darcy numbers. It is anticipated that the intensity of the conductive heat flow will significantly decrease with an increase in Reynolds numbers in its smaller range. The percentage increase in the average Nusselt number when using porous metallic blocks, compared to a porous blockless channel, is estimated to be in the range of 3.3 % to 83.95 % for the examined range of Reynolds numbers. Additionally, the average Nusselt number is underestimated, ranging from 874.17 % to 181.9 %, when considering channels with wall thicknesses half of the channel inlet height within the examined Reynolds number range. As can be shown, the performance factor rises monotonically with the Reynolds number and exceeds unity for increasing Darcy number beyond a critical Reynolds number. Additionally, for lower and higher Reynolds number values, the different influence of wall thickness and its thermal conductivity on performance factor has been predicted. The conclusions drawn from this work seem to be useful for the construction of economical solar plant largely used in many industrial applications as well as for the design of other devices used for effective thermal management of heat.
