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Philip Morris International's Formula 1 Sponsorship-Linked Marketing: Transformation From Marlboro to Mission Winnow.
Nicotine & Tobacco Research ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-22 , DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntad177
Timothy Dewhirst 1 , Wonkyong Beth Lee 2 , Lauren Czaplicki 3

INTRODUCTION Transformation describes a dramatic modification in appearance or character. Philip Morris International (PMI)'s sponsorship-linked marketing of Formula 1 auto racing is illustrative of transformation. The company's flagship cigarette brand, Marlboro has been replaced as the identified partner by their newly developed brand, Mission Winnow. This study examines the tobacco company's marketing objectives for transforming the brand identity of its Formula 1 Ferrari race team partnership. AIMS AND METHODS We provide a case study, and our method of qualitative enquiry is textual analysis. We review marketing planning documents from Philip Morris, which would normally be proprietary, but are publicly accessible because of litigation. Additionally, we review Mission Winnow's social media posts, over a 3-year span, from the brand's Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. RESULTS PMI initiated its Formula 1 sponsorship in 1972. Through Marlboro, the company's sponsorship-linked marketing was largely centered on building brand image and reinforcing Marlboro's brand identity of rugged masculinity, independence, heroism, and adventure. When Mission Winnow replaced Marlboro as the identified brand sponsor in 2018, the company's marketing communication shifted to highlighting transformation, progress, open dialogue, teamwork, innovation, technology, and science. CONCLUSIONS Despite Article 5.3 of the World Health Organization's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) calling for Parties to protect public health policies from the commercial and vested interests of tobacco companies, PMI still seeks to be an important stakeholder in such consultations, including those pertaining to harm reduction. Mission Winnow's sponsorship-linked marketing points to a larger company narrative about trying to gain or reclaim legitimacy and credibility. IMPLICATIONS PMI's continued sponsorship of Formula 1 is a strategic means of drawing attention to the company's "next-generation products" and communicating their supposed "transformation." The company's sponsorship-linked marketing initiatives point to a need for Parties to enforce Article 13 of the WHO FCTC, which calls for a comprehensive ban on tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship.


菲利普莫里斯国际公司的一级方程式赞助关联营销:从万宝路到 Mission Winnow 的转变。

简介 转变描述了外观或性格的巨大改变。菲利普·莫里斯国际公司 (PMI) 与一级方程式赛车赞助相关的营销就是转型的例证。该公司的旗舰卷烟品牌万宝路已被其新开发的品牌 Mission Winnow 取代为指定合作伙伴。本研究探讨了烟草公司改变其与法拉利一级方程式赛车队合作伙伴关系的品牌形象的营销目标。目的和方法我们提供案例研究,我们的定性探究方法是文本分析。我们审查菲利普莫里斯公司的营销规划文件,这些文件通常是专有的,但由于诉讼而可以公开获取。此外,我们还审查了 Mission Winnow 在该品牌的 Facebook、Instagram 和 Twitter 帐户上三年多来的社交媒体帖子。结果 PMI 于 1972 年开始赞助一级方程式赛车。通过万宝路,该公司的赞助相关营销主要集中在塑造品牌形象和强化万宝路粗犷阳刚、独立、英雄主义和冒险的品牌形象。当 Mission Winnow 于 2018 年取代万宝路成为指定品牌赞助商时,该公司的营销传播转向强调转型、进步、公开对话、团队合作、创新、技术和科学。结论 尽管世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约 (WHO FCTC) 第 5.3 条呼吁各缔约方保护公共卫生政策免受烟草公司商业和既得利益的影响,PMI 仍寻求成为此类磋商中的重要利益相关者,包括那些与减少伤害有关。Mission Winnow 与赞助相关的营销指向了一个更大的公司叙事,即试图获得或恢复合法性和可信度。影响 PMI 继续赞助一级方程式赛车是一种战略手段,旨在引起人们对公司“下一代产品”的关注并传达其所谓的“转型”。该公司与赞助相关的营销举措表明,缔约方需要执行《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》第 13 条,该条要求全面禁止烟草广告、促销和赞助。