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Impact of Program Components on Perceived Organizational Support in Respiratory Care Education.
Respiratory Care ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-29 , DOI: 10.4187/respcare.11225
Arzu Ari 1 , Tiankai Wang 2 , Abbey M Hudgins 1

BACKGROUND Perceived organizational support has been linked to employee commitment and job satisfaction. Understanding the effects of perceived organizational support on employees allows leaders to improve employees' performance and the success of their organizations. The purpose of this study was to identify the perceived organizational support across different respiratory care education programs in the United States. METHODS All chairs and program directors of bachelor's of science and master's of science degree respiratory care education programs in the United States were surveyed (N = 97). The Survey of Perceived Organizational Support was modified after written approval, and the final instrument included 31 items with a Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree). Descriptive statistics, multiple regression, and topic modeling were used for data analysis (P < .05). RESULTS A total of 67 respondents responded to the perceived organizational support survey; a 69% response rate. They were satisfied with their job and committed to their institutions. They also reported that faculty salaries were equitable relative to the national average, and their institutions encouraged teamwork among faculty. The respondents' titles, total years of administrative experience, students' scores on the national credentialing therapist multiple choice examination (TMC), and institutions that offer both bachelor's of science and master's of science degree programs had a direct relationship with perceived organizational support in respiratory care education programs. Age and sex were inversely related to perceived organizational support. A topic modeling analysis based on the respondents' opinions about perceived organizational support showed that the respondents frequently mentioned the words support, institution, budget, year, nursing, and experience. The respondents emphasized the importance of support, institution marketing, their years of experience, and the program budget. They also mentioned that nursing programs overshadowed respiratory care education programs at their institutions. CONCLUSIONS Age, sex, job title, years of administrative experience, students' TMC scores, and the type of programs offered impacted perceived organizational support by respiratory care directors. Student-, program- and participant-related factors can be used to improve perceived organizational support in respiratory care education.



背景技术 感知到的组织支持与员工承诺和工作满意度相关。了解感知到的组织支持对员工的影响可以让领导者提高员工的绩效和组织的成功。本研究的目的是确定美国不同呼吸护理教育项目中所感知的组织支持。方法 对美国呼吸护理教育理学学士和理学硕士学位项目的所有主席和项目主任进行了调查(N = 97)。感知组织支持调查在书面批准后进行了修改,最终工具包括 31 个李克特量表项目(1 = 强烈不同意,7 = 强烈同意)。使用描述性统计、多元回归和主题建模进行数据分析(P < .05)。结果 共有 67 名受访者参与了感知组织支持调查;69% 的回复率。他们对自己的工作感到满意,并致力于他们的机构。他们还报告说,教师的工资相对于全国平均水平是公平的,而且他们的机构鼓励教师之间的团队合作。受访者的头衔、行政经验总年数、学生在国家认证治疗师多项选择考试(TMC)中的成绩以及提供理学学士和理学硕士学位课程的机构与感知的呼吸系统组织支持有直接关系。护理教育计划。年龄和性别与感知的组织支持呈负相关。基于受访者对感知组织支持的看法进行的主题建模分析表明,受访者经常提到“支持”、“机构”、“预算”、“年份”、“护理”和“经验”等词。受访者强调了支持、机构营销、他们多年的经验和项目预算的重要性。他们还提到,护理项目掩盖了所在机构的呼吸护理教育项目。结论 年龄、性别、职称、管理经验年限、学生的 TMC 分数以及提供的课程类型影响呼吸护理主管感知的组织支持。学生、项目和参与者相关因素可用于改善呼吸护理教育中感知的组织支持。