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Wrinkles are neither beautiful nor nice: The effect of facial wrinkles on person perception and interpersonal closeness
Acta Psychologica ( IF 1.984 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2023.104077
Ursula Hess 1 , Daniel Huppertz 1 , Heidi Mauersberger 1 , Till Kastendieck 1

With age, we develop facial wrinkles, which change the appearance of the face making it less attractive. Winkles and folds also “mimic” facial expressions, such that older neutral faces appear more emotional. Both processes can influence first impressions negatively. We obtained ratings of attractiveness, closeness, and emotional expressivity as well as first impressions from 353 participants, recruited from Prolific, for avatars with and without facial wrinkles. Older appearing, wrinkled faces were judged as less attractive and less favorably on traits related to pleasantness and trustworthiness, they were perceived as showing more negative emotions and participants rated themselves as less close. The effects on first impressions and perceived closeness were mediated by attractiveness and perceived negative emotions. These findings suggest that in initial encounters older people may often be perceived as less pleasant for no other reason than the wrinkles in their face and the judgments of attractiveness and emotionality associated with them.



随着年龄的增长,我们的面部会出现皱纹,这会改变脸部的外观,使其失去吸引力。皱纹和褶皱也会“模仿”面部表情,使年长的中性面孔显得更加情绪化。这两个过程都会对第一印象产生负面影响。我们从 Prolific 招募了 353 名参与者,对有或没有面部皱纹的化身进行了吸引力、亲密度、情感表达力以及第一印象的评分。年龄较大、有皱纹的面孔被认为吸引力较差,在与愉快和可信度相关的特征方面也较差,他们被认为表现出更多的负面情绪,参与者认为自己不太亲近。对第一印象和感知亲密感的影响是由吸引力和感知的负面情绪调节的。这些发现表明,在初次见面时,老年人常常会被认为不太令人愉快,原因只是他们脸上的皱纹以及与他们相关的吸引力和情绪的判断。