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Syndemics of the sea: Adverse disease interactions and the stressors of fisher livelihoods
Fish and Fisheries ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-03 , DOI: 10.1111/faf.12803
Merrill Singer 1

The occupation of commercial fishing is recognized as a comparatively stressful and hazardous job characterized by a myriad of risks to health, including high rates of job-related injury, morbidity, and mortality. Nonetheless, systematic study of fisher health is limited. This paper examines a particularly understudied aspect of illness among fishers: the physical and social contexts, pathways, and potential for adverse disease interactions. The focus of the paper is on a biosocial disease process called syndemics, which increases the health burdens of this population. The paper is presented as an initial testing of the hypothesis that a “lens” of syndemics improves occupational health research and advocacy for commercial fishermen who face a substantial burden of biosocial challenges.


