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Limitations of Fundamental Rights in EU Law: Are Human Rights Absolute?
European Review ( IF 0.521 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-03 , DOI: 10.1017/s1062798723000509
Verica Trstenjak

The importance of fundamental rights has been seen especially during the Covid-19 crisis. Although fundamental rights are usually perceived as abstract by individuals, they concretely and directly influence our everyday lives. With this article I want to confirm the thesis that, despite the fact that rights are generally not absolute, their limitation is possible only in exceptional cases. This article will discuss fundamental rights in the EU. It will present the regulation and possibilities of limiting fundamental rights in EU law, in particular in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (the Charter). The article will also present the role of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) in the field of fundamental rights. Moreover, it will depict the jurisprudence of the CJEU regarding health care rights. This is particularly important due to the problems of restricting several fundamental rights during the Covid-19 crisis, where health-related rights were at the forefront and accompanied by the search for a fair balance and assessment of proportionality. The article will also present the CJEU case law on the limitation of fundamental rights in the digital society, in the context of which we are also often faced with the search for a fair balance between several rights, especially concerning the protection of personal data on the one hand and other rights on the other hand (e.g. the freedom to conduct a business).



基本权利的重要性在 Covid-19 危机期间尤其凸显。尽管基本权利通常被个人视为抽象的,但它们具体而直接地影响着我们的日常生活。我想通过这篇文章来证实这样的论点:尽管权利通常不是绝对的,但只有在特殊情况下才可能对其进行限制。本文将讨论欧盟的基本权利。它将介绍欧盟法律,特别是《欧盟基本权利宪章》(《宪章》)中限制基本权利的规定和可能性。本文还将介绍欧盟法院(CJEU)在基本权利领域的作用。此外,它将描述欧洲法院关于医疗保健权利的判例。鉴于在 Covid-19 危机期间限制多项基本权利的问题,这一点尤为重要,其中与健康相关的权利处于最前沿,并伴随着寻求公平平衡和相称性评估。本文还将介绍欧盟法院关于数字社会基本权利限制的判例法,在此背景下,我们也经常面临在多项权利之间寻求公平平衡的问题,特别是在保护数字社会中的个人数据方面。一方面是其他权利(例如经营业务的自由)。
