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Criminogenic Thinking Relates to Employment Status and Workplace Behaviors among Law Enforcement Officers
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology Pub Date : 2023-10-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s11896-023-09623-0
Jon T. Mandracchia , Laura M. Gulledge

The authority afforded to law enforcement officers enables them to do immense good, yet also opens the door for potential harm. In recent years, there have increasingly been calls for systemic changes in law enforcement to prevent such harm, whereas other arguments posit that harm caused by police is due to “just a few bad apples.” Regardless of the potential benefits of systemic change, at least some instances of police misconduct are due to individual factors. Although prior literature has investigated individual-level factors such as burnout and personality among law enforcement officers, no prior studies have examined the relation between specific forms of thinking that promote irresponsible and rule-breaking behavior (i.e., criminogenic thinking) and negative work-related behavior among this population. In the present study, we examined survey responses from 328 law enforcement officers from across the United States. Results of canonical correlation analyses indicated that specific forms of criminogenic thinking were associated with a range of maladaptive work-related behaviors and experiences. Considerations for potential benefits of screening and programming targeting criminogenic thinking among law enforcement officers are discussed.



赋予执法人员的权力使他们能够做出巨大的善事,但也为潜在的伤害打开了大门。近年来,越来越多的人呼吁对执法进行系统性变革,以防止此类伤害,而其他论点则认为警察造成的伤害只是“少数坏苹果”造成的。不管系统性变革的潜在好处如何,至少有些警察不当行为是由于个人因素造成的。尽管之前的文献调查了执法人员的倦怠和性格等个人层面的因素,但之前没有研究探讨促进不负责任和违反规则行为的特定思维形式(即犯罪思维)与与工作相关的消极思维之间的关系。该人群中的行为。在本研究中,我们检查了来自美国各地 328 名执法人员的调查回复。典型相关分析的结果表明,特定形式的犯罪​​思维与一系列与工作相关的适应不良行为和经历有关。讨论了针对执法人员犯罪思维进行筛查和规划的潜在好处的考虑因素。
