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MacKinnon, Title IX, and Sexual Harassment: An Intellectual History
Feminist Legal Studies ( IF 1.958 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s10691-023-09535-8
Ann J. Cahill

Scholarly analyses of Catharine MacKinnon’s influence on US jurisprudence regarding sexual harassment focus almost exclusively on Title VII law. Little attention has been paid to Title IX and Alexander v. Yale, wherein lawyers for the plaintiffs used her theories to argue—successfully—a bold claim: that sexual harassment within educational institutions was sex discrimination, and thus violated Title IX. Moreover, little scholarly work on MacKinnon’s influence is substantiated by a close reading of court documents. In this article, I address these gaps by pairing an examination of documents from Alexander v. Yale with an explication of the philosophical distinctiveness of MacKinnon’s theories regarding sexual harassment to argue that her theories played a substantial role in this legal victory. Contextualising the legal documents and MacKinnon’s writings within a consideration of the origins of Title IX allows for a renewed and more firmly established understanding of her substantial contribution to US jurisprudence.



