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The Universalism of Mathematics and its Detractors: Relativism and Radical Equalitarianism Threaten STEM Disciplines in the US
European Review ( IF 0.521 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-19 , DOI: 10.1017/s1062798723000182
Sergiu Klainerman

This is a modest personal attempt to understand the ideology behind the current antiscientific trends in STEM, and more specifically in mathematics. In simplified terms, these trends can be traced back to a growing imbalance between the old ideal of fairness based on individual merit and the increasingly predominant, unrealistic expectations of equality of outcomes in all areas of human activities. I draw on specific examples and various scientific studies to show how these trends undermine the teaching of science in the US and, increasingly, research in STEM disciplines.


数学的普遍主义及其批评者:相对主义和激进的平均主义威胁美国的 STEM 学科

这是我个人的一次谦虚尝试,旨在了解当前 STEM(尤其是数学领域)反科学趋势背后的意识形态。简而言之,这些趋势可以追溯到基于个人优点的旧的公平理想与人类活动所有领域中日益占主导地位的、不切实际的结果平等期望之间日益不平衡。我利用具体例子和各种科学研究来展示这些趋势如何破坏美国的科学教学以及越来越多的 STEM 学科研究。
