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Hypnagogic states are quite common: Self-reported prevalence, modalities, and gender differences
Consciousness and Cognition ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2023.103582
Romain Ghibellini 1 , Beat Meier 1

The hypnagogic state refers to the transitional phase between wakefulness and sleep during which vivid experiences occur. In this questionnaire study, we assessed the self-reported prevalence of hypnagogic states considering the frequency of experiences in different modalities. We also assessed the emotional quality and the vividness of the experiences. Moreover, we compared hypnagogic states to other phenomena, such as dreams, sleep paralysis, imagination, and extra-sensory perception in these measures. Hypnagogic states were reported by 80.2 % of 4456 participants and were more prevalent in women than men. Experiences were most often kinaesthetic and visual, and less often auditory, tactile, and olfactory or gustatory. Hypnagogic states were less prevalent than dreams and characterized by different modality profiles. However, they were similar to dreams in their emotional quality, the irritation they caused, and in their vividness. In conclusion, hypnagogic states are quite common.



入睡状态是指清醒和睡眠之间的过渡阶段,在此期间发生生动的体验。在这项问卷研究中,我们考虑到不同方式的体验频率,评估了自我报告的入睡状态患病率。我们还评估了情感质量和体验的生动程度。此外,我们在这些测量中将入睡状态与其他现象进行了比较,例如梦、睡眠麻痹、想象力和超感官知觉。4456 名参与者中,有 80.2% 的人报告处于入睡状态,女性比男性更普遍。体验最常见的是动觉和视觉,听觉、触觉、嗅觉或味觉的体验较少。入睡状态不像梦那么普遍,并且具有不同的模态特征。然而,它们在情感品质、引起的刺激以及生动性方面与梦相似。总之,催眠状态相当常见。
