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“Voiceless and Stateless Rohingya Refugees: Competing Expectations Among NGOs in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh”
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations ( IF 2.794 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s11266-023-00606-7
Afshan Paarlberg , Ronia Hawash , Shyam K. Sriram

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a critical role in the response to human displacement yet face competing pressures. One ongoing site of displacement is among the 1.1 million Rohingya persons living in refugee camps in Bangladesh. NGOs are party to the ongoing humanitarian response yet operate under competing demands by multiple stakeholders. To what extent do NGOs meet the various expectations among different groups of Rohingya refugee beneficiary stakeholders? We used UNHCR survey data from 31 refugee sites in Cox’s Bazar to empirically examine the relationship between demographic and socioeconomic indicators with satisfaction levels of service provision. We find that female refugees and head of household disability (difficulty seeing, hearing, walking, remembering, or communicating) are indicators that present the most significant differences; NGO responses more often overlook the priority needs of females and persons with disabilities when compared to other refugees, a response gap that reduces their satisfaction and potentially heightens these groups’ vulnerabilities. Although UNHCR and NGOs face pressures from competing demands within beneficiary populations, they also have opportunities to develop refugee-centered policies and practices that are more responsive to vulnerable groups. Overall, this paper adds dimension to understanding of various refugee stakeholder perspectives within a camp setting.



非政府组织 (NGO) 在应对人类流离失所问题方面发挥着关键作用,但也面临着相互竞争的压力。居住在孟加拉国难民营中的 110 万罗辛亚人是目前持续流离失所的地方之一。非政府组织是正在进行的人道主义应对行动的一部分,但在多个利益相关者的相互竞争的要求下运作。非政府组织在多大程度上满足罗辛亚难民受益利益相关者不同群体的不同期望?我们使用联合国难民署对科克斯巴扎尔 31 个难民营的调查数据来实证检验人口和社会经济指标与服务提供满意度之间的关系。我们发现女性难民和户主有残疾(视力、听力、行走、记忆困难、或沟通)是呈现最显着差异的指标;与其他难民相比,非政府组织的应对措施常常忽视女性和残疾人的优先需求,这一应对差距降低了她们的满意度,并可能加剧这些群体的脆弱性。尽管难民署和非政府组织面临受益人群内部竞争需求的压力,但它们也有机会制定以难民为中心的政策和做法,以更好地照顾弱势群体。总体而言,本文增加了对难民营环境中各种难民利益相关者观点的理解。反应差距会降低他们的满意度并可能加剧这些群体的脆弱性。尽管难民署和非政府组织面临受益人群内部竞争需求的压力,但它们也有机会制定以难民为中心的政策和做法,以更好地照顾弱势群体。总体而言,本文增加了对难民营环境中各种难民利益相关者观点的理解。反应差距会降低他们的满意度并可能加剧这些群体的脆弱性。尽管难民署和非政府组织面临受益人群内部竞争需求的压力,但它们也有机会制定以难民为中心的政策和做法,以更好地照顾弱势群体。总体而言,本文增加了对难民营环境中各种难民利益相关者观点的理解。
