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The role of non-genetic parents in a surrogate-born child’s identity: an argument for removal of the genetic link requirement
Medical Law Review ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-17 , DOI: 10.1093/medlaw/fwad032
Lottie Park-Morton 1

For the court to grant a parental order recognising intended parents as legal parents of a surrogate-born child, the gametes of at least one of the intended parents must have been used to create the embryo, under section 54(1)(b) and section 54A(1)(b) Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008. In the Law Commission and Scottish Law Commission’s consultation paper, there was a provisional proposal to remove the genetic link requirement in cases of medical necessity. However, this proposal was not included in the Law Commissions’ Final Report, instead recommending the retention of the requirement for a genetic link in almost all circumstances. This article contends that the Law Commissions’ recommendation should be reconsidered in light of the child’s right to identity. By reviewing how identity has been used by the courts when determining whether to grant a parental order, as well as a developing interpretation of Article 8 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and European Convention on Human Rights, it can be asserted that the identity of surrogate-born children necessitates recognition of the relationship between the child and intended parent(s), irrespective of a genetic link. On this basis, it is argued that there should be the possibility for intended parents to establish legal parenthood following surrogacy without the requirement for a genetic link.



根据第 54(1)(b) 条和第 54(1)(b) 条,法院若要颁发父母令,承认预期父母为代孕子女的合法父母,则必须使用至少一位预期父母的配子来创造胚胎。 2008 年《人类受精和胚胎学法》第 54A(1)(b) 条。在法律委员会和苏格兰法律委员会的咨询文件中,有一项临时提案,取消在医疗必要情况下的遗传联系要求。然而,该提案并未包含在法律委员会的最终报告中,而是建议在几乎所有情况下保留遗传联系的要求。本文认为,应根据儿童的身份权重新考虑法律委员会的建议。通过审查法院在决定是否授予亲子令时如何使用身份,以及对《联合国儿童权利公约》和《欧洲人权公约》第 8 条的不断发展的解释,可以断言代孕出生的孩子的身份需要承认孩子和预期父母之间的关系,无论遗传联系如何。在此基础上,有人认为,代孕后,意向父母应该有可能在不要求遗传联系的情况下确立合法父母身份。