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From Home to Heaven: The Spatial Imaginaries of Nonprofit Organizations
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations ( IF 2.794 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s11266-023-00603-w
Dominik Karner , Florentine Maier , Michael Meyer

We investigate how nonprofit organizations (NPOs) construct imaginaries of their premises, their local environment, and beyond. Based on a qualitative analysis of the websites of 209 randomly sampled NPOs in a metropolitan region in Central Europe, we find four distinct spatial imaginaries: (1) The world polity imaginary constructs NPOs as a part of a spatial environment that is neatly divided into nation states, supranational structures, and subnational units. (2) In the world society imaginary, NPOs are active in blurred, fluid, and overlapping spaces such as networks, commercialized spaces, or natural habitats. (3) In a religious imaginary, the material world is complemented by a transcendental realm and categorized into spaces of the sacred and the evil. (4) Finally, in a lococentric imaginary, NPOs construct a dichotomy between "home" and the alien rest of the world. Each of these spatial imaginaries conveys distinctive ways of situating the organization in their spatial environment and implies specific organizational practices and emotional enchantments of space.



我们调查非营利组织 (NPO) 如何构建对其场所、当地环境及其他方面的想象。基于对中欧大都市地区随机抽样的 209 个非营利组织网站的定性分析,我们发现了四种截然不同的空间想象:(1)世界政体想象将非营利组织构建为整齐划一的国家空间环境的一部分。国家、超国家结构和次国家单位。(2)在想象的世界社会中,非营利组织活跃在网络、商业空间或自然栖息地等模糊、流动、重叠的空间中。(3)在宗教想象中,物质世界被超然的领域所补充,并被分为神圣和邪恶的空间。(4) 最后,在一个以本地为中心的想象中,非营利组织在“家乡”和异国他乡之间建立了二分法。这些空间想象中的每一个都传达了将组织置于其空间环境中的独特方式,并暗示了特定的组织实践和空间的情感魅力。
