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Examining the implications of early adolescent attachment on out-of-home placement and family courts
Juvenile and Family Court Journal ( IF 0.556 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-12 , DOI: 10.1111/jfcj.12246
Adrienne Miller 1

Few scholars have examined early adolescent attachment in child welfare, where placement is a necessary but forced attachment disruption. The purpose of this nonexperimental quantitative study was to examine the responses of 18- to 24-year-olds (n = 83) who had been in out-of-home care, comparing early adolescent versus non-early adolescent placement, placement setting, and sibling accessibility on attachment. Results showed early adolescents were almost half as likely to be securely attached postplacement than other age ranges and the importance of family-like placements and maintaining peer relationships.



很少有学者研究过儿童福利中的青少年早期依恋,其中安置是一种必要但被迫的依恋破坏。这项非实验性定量研究的目的是检查 18 至 24 岁 接受户外护理的人( n = 83) 的反应,比较青少年早期与非青少年早期的安置、安置环境、以及兄弟姐妹对依恋的可及性。结果显示,早期青少年在安置后安全依恋的可能性几乎是其他年龄段的一半,以及家庭式安置和维持同伴关系的重要性。