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Rock dynamics in deep mining
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmst.2023.07.006
Manchao He , Qi Wang

Rock mass dynamics disasters caused by excavations and mining occur frequently in deep mines. In order to establish a theoretical system and control technologies for such disasters, we first classify and define dynamic disasters, such as rock bursts, coal bursts, mine pressure bumps, and mine earthquakes. According to the occurrence mechanism of different types of dynamic disasters, we establish a compensation control theory based on excavation and mining effects. On the basis, we propose three key technologies: high prestress compensation technology for the roadway, pressure relief technology using directional roof cutting, and the goaf filling technology using broken rock dilation. These three technologies constitute the compensation control method for dynamic disasters in deep mines. Finally, this method was successfully applied in a deep coal mine with high stress, with monitored results suggesting its rationality. This work provides a new concept and control method for the prevention of rock dynamic disasters in deep mines.



