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Information Scientists’ Motivations for Research Data Sharing and Reuse
Libri ( IF 0.667 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-31 , DOI: 10.1515/libri-2023-0052
Aliaksandra Shutsko 1 , Wolfgang G. Stock 1

What are the motivations and sought gratifications leading information science researchers to share and to reuse research data? Research data are both datasets and supplementary materials such as interview guides or questionnaires. The theoretical backgrounds of this study are the Lasswell Formula of Communication, the Uses and Gratifications Theory, and the Self-determination Theory, which formed the basis for the construction of an interview guide and the interpretation of the interview transcripts. We performed 11 in-depth interviews with German information scientists, all with experiences with data. The results demonstrate that research data sharing is not a rare practice among information scientists. Due to problems with different information horizons of the sharing and the reusing researchers, the reusing of data sets is much rarer than the reuse of supplementary materials.



信息科学研究人员共享和重用研究数据的动机和寻求的满足是什么?研究数据既是数据集,也是补充材料,例如访谈指南或调查问卷。本研究的理论背景是拉斯韦尔沟通公式、使用与满足理论和自我决定理论,这些理论背景构成了访谈指南构建和访谈笔录解读的基础。我们对德国信息科学家进行了 11 次深度访谈,他们都具有数据方面的经验。结果表明,研究数据共享在信息科学家中并不罕见。由于共享和重用研究人员的信息视野不同的问题,