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Marking and breaking phraseology in English and Polish: a comparative corpus-informed study
Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics ( IF 0.400 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-18 , DOI: 10.1515/psicl-2023-0004
Łukasz Grabowski 1 , Piotr Pęzik 2

In this corpus-informed cross-linguistic study, we focus on (1) ‘phraseology markers’ (PMs), which are recurrent and fixed word combinations used to demarcate instances of linguistic prefabrication, and (2) novelty markers (NMs), which are conventional expressions that mark novel phrasings of either new or familiar conceptualizations. Both classes of expressions have been largely neglected in phraseological studies conducted to date. Using selected corpora of general and spoken English and Polish, we study the use and discoursal functions of three pairs of loosely equivalent pre-selected phraseology markers and attempt to determine the amount of prefabricated language demarcated by those linguistic items. We found that the PMs and NMs perform opposing primary and secondary functions. By default, they are used to mark either prefabricated or supposedly novel expressions. In many contexts, however, PMs are used to break phraseology, that is, to mark expressions or phrases that represent unusual, unconventional, idiosyncratic phrasings unattested or rarely used in native texts.



在这项基于语料库的跨语言研究中,我们重点关注(1)“短语标记”(PM),它们是用于划分语言预制实例的重复和固定单词组合,以及(2)新颖标记(NM),它是标记新的或熟悉的概念化的新颖措辞的常规表达方式。迄今为止进行的措辞学研究中,这两类表达方式在很大程度上都被忽视了。使用选定的通用英语和波兰语口语语料库,我们研究了三对松散等效的预选短语标记的使用和话语功能,并尝试确定由这些语言项目划分的预制语言的数量。我们发现 PM 和 NM 执行相反的主要和次要职能。默认情况下,它们用于标记预制的或据称新颖的表达方式。然而,在许多情况下,PM 被用来打破措辞,即标记代表不寻常、非常规、特殊短语的表达或短语,这些短语未经证实或在母语文本中很少使用。