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Walk-in clinic counselling for emotional regulation with low-needs youth on the autism spectrum
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy ( IF 1.380 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-10 , DOI: 10.1002/anzf.1551
Jazlyn McGuinty 1 , Alain Carlson 2 , Angela Li 1 , John Nelson 3 , Michael Borges 4

A single-session consultation model for low-needs youth on the autism spectrum is presented with the mental health concern of emotional self-regulation, a common issue in family psychotherapy. This research is contextualised within the growing field of short-term therapy as it intersects the growing demand to therapeutically address clients on the autism spectrum. The treatment intervention is delineated through five sequential phases within the walk-in clinic setting for the practitioner clinician. A rationale, overview, and instruction for the practitioner clinician utilising this novel model is provided through a case study format. By using a more structured and integrated approach to treatment, organised through an externalised metaphor, it is suggested that the current model will be more effective for this specific clinical population. Additionally, a case illustration is provided that scaffolds the treatment model, which includes table formats and pictures. The case study illustrates the self-regulation map metaphor visually and interactively linking client challenges, strategies, and motivations simultaneously on multiple electronic devices in session. Relevant works were selected to explore the effectiveness of single-session consultation models for those presenting on the autism spectrum. Treatment interventions for specific clinical populations are recommended, especially within walk-in clinic therapy. This clinical research introduces a paradigm shift towards therapeutically addressing emotional self-regulation with low-needs youth on the spectrum through virtual, interactive technology.


