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Addressing the growing fossil record of subadult hominins by reaching across disciplines
Evolutionary Anthropology ( IF 4.766 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-25 , DOI: 10.1002/evan.21995
Debra R Bolter 1, 2, 3 , Noel Cameron 4 , John Hawks 2, 5 , Steven E Churchill 6 , Lee Berger 7, 8 , Robin Bernstein 9 , Julia C Boughner 10 , Sarah Elton 11 , A B Leece 12, 13 , Patrick Mahoney 14 , Keneiloe Molopyane 2 , Tesla A Monson 15 , Jill Pruetz 16 , Lawrence Schell 17 , Kyra E Stull 18 , Christopher A Wolfe 18

The field of paleoanthropology lacks a coherent methodology to study ontogeny in extinct hominins. During the past two decades in this field, several factors have served as an impetus to better define this subfield of study within human evolution. First is the increased recovery of immature hominin remains that span multiple genera—Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and Homo.


