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Mapping environment-focused social media, audiovisual media and art, in Sweden: How a diversity of voices and issues is combined with ideological homogeneity
Communications ( IF 1.339 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-12 , DOI: 10.1515/commun-2022-0083
Vaia Doudaki 1 , Nico Carpentier 2

Employing mapping research, this study mapped the populations of environment-focused social media, audiovisual media and art, in Sweden, over a one-year period. The study explored what is being communicated about the environment in Sweden in these fields, by whom, and how it circulates in diverse communicative spaces. The research identified 502 units across the three fields and a multitude of voices addressing environmental issues through these fields. These channels and voices give visibility to diverse topics and perspectives about the environment and human-nature relations. Simultaneously, there is considerable homogeneity, as a majority of the identified social media, audiovisual media and art units clearly align with ecocentric positions that contest the hegemony of anthropocentrism. These ecocentric voices strongly oppose the dominance of human-centered apprehensions of nature that legitimate nature’s exploitation and the drainage of natural resources for economic profit. Instead, they argue for structural changes promoting environmental protection and the rebalancing of human-nature relations.



这项研究采用绘图研究,绘制了瑞典一年内关注环境的社交媒体、视听媒体和艺术人群的地图。该研究探讨了瑞典在这些领域中关于环境的交流内容、交流者以及交流方式如何在不同的交流空间中传播。该研究确定了三个领域的 502 个单位以及通过这些领域解决环境问题的多种声音。这些渠道和声音让人们了解有关环境和人与自然关系的不同主题和观点。同时,存在相当大的同质性,因为大多数已确定的社交媒体、视听媒体和艺术单位明显与生态中心立场相一致,挑战人类中心主义的霸权。这些以生态为中心的声音强烈反对以人类为中心的对自然的理解的主导地位,这种理解使自然的开发和自然资源的流失合法化以获取经济利益。相反,他们主张进行结构性变革,以促进环境保护和人与自然关系的重新平衡。