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Theorizing exclusionary and inclusionary people-making: from narrative genres to collective learning processes
Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory Pub Date : 2023-07-10 , DOI: 10.1080/1600910x.2023.2219416
Marcos Engelken-Jorge 1 , Bernhard Forchtner 2 , Özgür Özvatan 3


The article offers a normatively-informed theorization of people-making as a (blocked) collective learning process. More specifically, people-making, namely the mobilization of individuals into a collective actor, draws symbolic boundaries around the sovereign, thereby contributing to the imagination of ‘the people’ in more inclusionary or exclusionary ways. To account for differences along this continuum, Habermas’ notion of collective learning is introduced, resulting in the conceptualization of inclusionary (exclusionary) people-making in terms of (blocked) collective learning processes. The authors supplement Habermas’ account and situate it in the context of people-making by arguing that shared stories, in particular their underlying genres, can produce more or less (un)certainty, which in turn enables or blocks collective learning processes. Drawing on Frye, four genres are distinguished: romance, comedy, tragedy and irony. The theorization of how genres are variously associated with uncertainty leads to the argument that mobilizations drawing on romance and, to a lesser extent, comedy can be expected to block collective learning processes, thus to be more exclusionary. In contrast, mobilizations relying on irony and, to a lesser extent, tragedy, can be expected to enable collective learning, thus to be more inclusionary.




