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The Hoard from Bækkedal in Northern Denmark and the Use of Two-Horse Teams in the Late Nordic Bronze Age
Acta Archaeologica Pub Date : 2023-07-04 , DOI: 10.1163/16000390-09302041
Torben Sarauw 1 , Per Thorling Hadsund 2 , Hana Lukesova 3

This article examines the use and significance of two-horse teams within the Nordic Late Bronze Age cultural sphere in southern Scandinavia and the southwestern Baltic region. Its point of departure is a remarkable hoard found in the late summer of 2014 at Bækkedal in northern Jutland, Denmark. The hoard, dated to period V of the Bronze Age, differs from many other hoards of this period by virtue of its abundant and almost complete content of bridles and other harness components for a two-horse team, including cheek pieces, phalerae and jingle plates. Furthermore, organic material was preserved in the form of parts of the bridle, with bronzes in situ, together with bits and reins. It therefore provides important new information about the group of hoards that contain horse tack, given that it is now possible, for the first time, to see how a bridle was constructed. Moreover, it contributes to our understanding of driving with two-horse teams and four-wheeled wagons, which, given the quantity of horse tack in hoards, must have been more commonplace than indicated by the other finds in the archaeological record. Lastly, the local context of the hoard is examined and reveals an area rich in other contemporaneous deposit finds and numerous settlement traces.



本文探讨了斯堪的纳维亚半岛南部和波罗的海地区西南部的北欧晚期青铜时代文化领域中两马队的使用和意义。它的出发点是 2014 年夏末在丹麦日德兰半岛北部的贝克达尔发现的一个引人注目的宝藏。该宝藏可追溯至青铜时代第五时期,与该时期的许多其他宝藏不同,其内容丰富且几乎完整,包含两匹马队用的缰绳和其他挽具组件,包括颊板、指环和叮当板。此外,有机材料以马勒部分的形式保存下来,青铜器、马衔和缰绳都在现场。因此,它提供了有关包含马具的宝藏组的重要新信息,因为现在第一次有可能了解缰绳是如何构造的。此外,它还有助于我们了解两匹马和四轮马车的行驶情况,考虑到窖藏中马具的数量,这种情况一定比考古记录中其他发现所表明的更为普遍。最后,对宝藏的当地背景进行了检查,并揭示了一个富含其他同期矿床发现和众多定居痕迹的地区。
