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Factors affecting invasion process of a megadiverse country by two exotic bird species
Anthropocene ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ancene.2023.100399
Adrián Ceja-Madrigal , Rodrigo Pacheco-Muñoz , Adolfo G. Navarro-Sigüenza , Pilar Rodríguez , Margarita Jiménez-Cruz , Jorge E. Schondube

Understanding the factors underlying bird invasions is crucial for their management. Here, the invasion processes of Mexico by the European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) and the Eurasian Collared-Dove (Streptopelia decaocto) are analyzed. A 30 × 30 km grid-cell map with the presence/absence of both species was generated using citizen-science data to describe their invasion patterns in time and space from their first records until 2016. Binomial Generalized Linear Models were used to determine the invasion probabilities of both species. Geographic Information was used to determine the climatic variables that better explain their presence (abiotic factors) and the number of phylogenetically closely-related species (biotic factors). A bioclimatic model was used to test if the role that climatic variables play to determine the invasion success of birds at the global scale holds at regional scales. This model related the invasion probabilities of each species with biotic and abiotic factors. The main findings are: (1) Both species have expanded from established populations in the US, and new introductions by bird-trade. (2) European Starlings invaded the country slower than Eurasian Collared-Doves. (3) European Starlings invaded areas with dry and temperate climates, while Eurasian Collared-Doves invaded most of the country, being positively affected by temperature and precipitation. (4) Invasion probabilities of both species were not constrained by phylogenetically closely-related species richness. This study indicates that for exotic invasive birds that exploit agricultural areas, biotic factors do not provide invasion resistance of megadiverse countries such as Mexico.



了解鸟类入侵的潜在因素对于管理至关重要。在这里,欧洲椋鸟 ( Sturnus vulgaris ) 和欧亚颈斑鸠 ( Streptopelia decaocto)入侵墨西哥的过程)进行分析。使用公民科学数据生成了 30 × 30 km 网格单元图,其中显示了这两个物种的存在/不存在,以描述从首次记录到 2016 年的时间和空间入侵模式。使用二项式广义线性模型来确定入侵两个物种的概率。地理信息用于确定气候变量,以更好地解释其存在(非生物因素)和系统发育密切相关的物种数量(生物因素)。使用生物气候模型来测试气候变量在全球范围内决定鸟类入侵成功的作用在区域范围内是否成立。该模型将每个物种的入侵概率与生物和非生物因素联系起来。主要发现是:(1) 这两个物种都是从美国现有种群和鸟类贸易新引入的种群中扩展出来的。(2) 欧洲椋鸟入侵该国的速度比欧亚颈斑鸠慢。(3) 欧洲椋鸟入侵干旱地区温带气候,而欧亚颈斑鸠则入侵该国大部分地区,受到温度和降水的积极影响。(4) 两个物种的入侵概率均不受系统发育上密切相关的物种丰富度的限制。这项研究表明,对于利用农业地区的外来入侵鸟类来说,生物因素并不能为墨西哥等生物多样性丰富的国家提供入侵抵抗力。
