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Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Social Work in Australia
Australian Social Work ( IF 2.579 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-17 , DOI: 10.1080/0312407x.2023.2186256
Jacob Prehn 1 , Maggie Walter 1


In this article we argue that in Australian social work context and practice, Indigenous Data Sovereignty (ID-SOV) needs to be operationalised by enacting the principles of Indigenous Data Governance (ID-GOV). Failure to embed ID-SOV and ID-GOV leaves the profession open to claims that it is complicit in disempowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in relation to data. ID-SOV is a global movement focused on Indigenous Peoples having access to, and ownership, control, and possession of, their data. Social work is a profession committed to championing equal rights and challenging injustices. Therefore, it has an obligation to decolonise existing data structures in its workplaces. This article outlines the Australian ID-SOV movement, including current scholarship on operationalising ID-SOV in the form of ID-GOV, and the challenge for social work to position itself in alliance with the ID-SOV movement and in active participation in changing the way Indigenous data have traditionally been collected and used in Australia


  • The Indigenous Data Sovereignty (ID-SOV) movement demands the data rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and is re-shaping the Australian data landscape.

  • If social work is true to its stated commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-determination, the profession needs to engage with ID-SOV and work to operationalise Indigenous Data Governance (ID-GOV) across social work environments.

  • A particular focus of this article is the importance of ID-SOV and ID-GOV being operationalised within social work research and policy in areas such as “child protection”, the criminal justice system, health and wellbeing, and housing.




在本文中,我们认为,在澳大利亚社会工作背景和实践中,需要通过制定本土数据治理(ID-GOV)原则来实施本土数据主权(ID-SOV)。如果未能嵌入 ID-SOV 和 ID-GOV,该行业可能会被指控串通一气,剥夺原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民在数据方面的权力。ID-SOV 是一项全球运动,重点关注原住民获取、拥有、控制和拥有其数据的权利。社会工作是一个致力于倡导平等权利和挑战不公正现象的职业。因此,它有义务对其工作场所中的现有数据结构进行去殖民化。本文概述了澳大利亚 ID-SOV 运动,包括当前以 ID-GOV 形式运营 ID-SOV 的学术成果,


  • 原住民数据主权 (ID-SOV) 运动要求原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民的数据权利,并正在重塑澳大利亚的数据格局。

  • 如果社会工作忠实于其对原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民自决的承诺,该行业就需要与 ID-SOV 合作,并努力在社会工作环境中实施原住民数据治理 (ID-GOV)。

  • 本文特别关注 ID-SOV 和 ID-GOV 在“儿童保护”、刑事司法系统、健康和福祉以及住房等领域的社会工作研究和政策中运作的重要性。
