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Observation Of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux During Video-Laryngoscopy Was Common Per Our Single Observer Single Institution Experience
medRxiv - Anesthesia Pub Date : 2023-06-12 , DOI: 10.1101/2023.06.09.23291219
Ewelina Suchocki , Wael Saasouh , Deepak Gupta

Background: Video-laryngoscopy gives an opportunity to objectively document the peri-operative incidence of laryngopharyngeal reflux. Materials and Methods: To quantify the local real-world incidence of laryngopharyngeal reflux, a single observer observed 100 adult patients undergoing elective video-laryngoscopy for their elective surgical procedures in the operating rooms at a single institution. Results: Laryngopharynx in 4% of patients demonstrated visible active refluxing of gastroesophageal contents cranially into laryngopharynx during video-laryngoscopy but none of those underwent suctioning to remove the actively refluxing contents before successfully attempting tracheal intubation. Conclusion: Observed laryngopharyngeal reflux during elective video-laryngoscopy was common among adult patients presenting for elective surgical procedures. The lack of suctioning prior to tracheal intubation warrants consensus discussion and statement regarding whether or not to perform suctioning of visible laryngopharyngeal reflux contents prior to intubation.



背景:视频喉镜检查提供了客观记录喉咽反流围手术期发生率的机会。材料和方法:为了量化喉咽反流在当地的真实发生率,一名观察员观察了 100 名成年患者在同一机构的手术室中接受选择性视频喉镜检查以进行选择性外科手术。结果:在视频喉镜检查期间,4% 的患者的喉部表现出可见的胃食管内容物主动反流到喉咽部,但在成功尝试气管插管之前,这些患者均未进行抽吸以去除主动反流的内容物。结论:择期视频喉镜检查期间观察到的喉咽反流在接受择期外科手术的成年患者中很常见。